Logistical Services Is Now part of FM
From: Bob Reuning
To: All-FM
Subject: Logistical Services Is Now part of FM
Good Morning FM,
FM is growing! Please join me in welcoming the Logistical Services group to FM. The team transitioned to our Facilities Business Operations unit earlier this month and has been getting acquainted with FM.
Logistical Services is led by Director Sean Wynn and includes Physical Distribution, Photo Services, Mail Services, and Surplus Property (Terrapin Trader) all located in the Severn Building. Logistical Services is also responsible for the copy program which has multiple centers located at Van Munching, STAMP, and Shady Grove. Sean’s office is located on the fourth floor at 7401 Baltimore Ave.
This move is expected to improve efficiency and provide better coordination of services provided by the Logistical Services units and the Facilities Warehouse. The long-term goal is to coordinate these services across campus and achieve business efficiency and improved customer service.
Sean and the entire Logistical Services team are excited to join the FM family and look forward to helping us achieve our core goals and objectives. Let’s make them feel welcome and at home in FM.
Bob Reuning
Charles R. Reuning, MS, MBA, P.E.
Associate Vice President
University of Maryland