Snow Command Center

University of Maryland Snow/Ice Emergency Priorities
When a winter storm occurs, Facilities Management transitions to Snow Command Operations with a FEMA Incident Command System structure. Public safety and operational needs along with weather conditions and timing inform the prioritization of response activities. Emergency routes, primary roadways, and critical facilities will be addressed first, followed by sidewalks and parking lots with full accessibility restored at the conclusion of the emergency. This applies to academic, administrative, and residential districts on campus and many off-campus locations under a unified command, although third-party management agreements may apply in certain areas.
- While the University remains in normal operational mode, all roads, sidewalks, loading docks, and parking lots will be continuously cleared and or treated to maintain safe operations with the goal of universal accessibility.
- More significant weather and snow accumulation may impact operations and a transition to emergency vehicle access, safe support of resident populations, research, and ongoing events may necessitate that roads be plowed to passable condition with drive lanes in primary parking lots. As conditions permit, sidewalks to critical facilities will be maintained throughout a snow emergency.
- After the weather condition that prompted the snow emergency, all roads will be plowed to bare pavement, and all sidewalks, ramps, steps, and docks will be cleared to bare pavement with corresponding deicer treatment as appropriate.
Winter Weather Advisory
Roads and Major Sidewalks
- Less than 2 inches: clearance with deicing as appropriate completed within 4 hours after end of storm.
- Over 2 inches: continuous plowing and deicing as appropriate. Plowing to bare pavement completed up to 12 hours after end of storm.
Parking Lots
- Less than 2 inches: salting drive lanes and vacant parking areas, where needed, completed within 12 hours after end of storm.
- Over 2 inches: continuous plowing/treating of drive lanes as needed, up to 12 hours after end of storm. Plowing of vacant parking completed up to 24 hours after end of storm.
Winter Storm Warning (4-8 inches)
Roads and Major Sidewalks
- Continuous plowing, with clearing to bare pavement up to 12 hours after end of storm.
Parking Lots
- Continuous plowing of drive lanes on rotating route to keep lots passable. Plowing of vacant parking may occur up to 36 hours after end of storm.
Winter Storm Warning (8-12 inches)
Hazardous Roads!
Roads and Major Sidewalks
- Continuous plowing for emergency access with plowing to bare pavement up to 24 hours after end of storm.
Parking Lots
- Priority treatment of emergency lots. Continuous plowing of drive lanes as conditions permit. Vacant parking will be cleared and treated to bare pavement up to 48 hours after end of storm.
Winter Storm Warning or Blizzard Warning (12-18 inches)
Roads and Major Sidewalks
- Continuous plowing for emergency access with plowing to bare pavement up to 36 hours after end of storm.
- Expect narrowed and/or blocked lanes due to accumulations.
Parking Lots
- As conditions permit, plowing begins up to 36-48 hours after storm ends and all lots will be cleared in priority order until fill access is restored.
Blizzard Warning (over 18 inches)
Roads and Major Sidewalks
- Continuous plowing as conditions permit to maintain emergency access. Minor sidewalks may receive attention 48 hours after storm ends due to heavy accumulations.
Parking Lots
- Emergency access maintained as conditions permit. Plowing on all lots begins no later than 48 hours after storm ends. Expect reduced parking capacity in some lots to persist until conditions improve.
Winter Weather Advisory for Freezing Rain or Ice
Roads and Major Sidewalks
- Continuous deicing treatments until weather conditions improve. Bridges, ramps, and elevated areas freeze first. Hazardous conditions will exist until deicers can work effectively.
Parking Lots
- Treatment may occur before, during and after a storm as needed and appropriate depending on conditions.