Facilities Management (FM) leads and participates in a number of sustainability programs and initiatives in support of its guiding principle, “Provide and support a safe, sustainable environment.” Sustainability has been integrated into every department of FM, specifically the Department of Building & Landscape Maintenance, the Department of Operations, Maintenance & Utilities, and the Department of Planning and Construction. Facilities Management manages the campus recycling and composting programs, stormwater management initiatives, campus rain gardens and green roofs, renewable energy projects, the campus arboretum, green cleaning procedures, and the planning and permitting for LEED certified buildings. FM staff work closely with staff in the Office of Sustainability, Residential Facilities, Resident Life, and other campus organizations to ensure our sustainability efforts are in line with the University’s Climate Action Plan.

Green Cleaning
Green cleaning is the name given to an approach to cleaning that provides a maximum level of cleanliness and minimal harm to the environment, the building occupants, and the cleaners themselves. It is an approach long ago embraced by the housekeeping staff at UMD and enhanced in recent years.
Recycling, Composting & Waste Management
FM Recycling & Waste Management Operations provides bins, toters, and dumpsters for use by campus departments and spearheads a number of programs that keep materials out of the landfill and comply with University recycling and waste management targets.

Green Buildings
Facilities Management (FM) plays a defining role in the design and construction of campus buildings that meet the university’s goals for green buildings. Team members within FM’s Planning and Construction department are involved from the earliest planning stages through to monitoring the final construction elements.

The University of Maryland's 1250 acre College Park campus is a convenient and easily accessible arboretum.
FM is involved in sustainable water use every step of the way, all across campus. From specifying water-saving plumbing fixtures in campus buildings to managing stormwater runoff, FM staff are aware that every decision related to water has an effect on the overall environment.