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FM’s New Customer Service Strategy: Creating a Culture of Excellence

Customer Service

In today's higher ed business landscape, exceptional customer service is no longer an option; it's a necessity. With Facilities Management’s customer base of 50,000 students, faculty, and staff on a campus that operates 24/7, having an effective customer service strategy is essential. 

FM’s new customer service strategy is designed to help us achieve our vision “to be a collaborative, innovative, and inclusive partner that delivers exceptional service to the UMD community” and is rooted in our values of Service Excellence, Collaboration, Inclusion, Empowerment, and Continuous Improvement. At its core, FM's new customer service strategy is about transformation. It's about reshaping the way we think, act, and serve our customers, with the ultimate goal of creating a culture of customer service excellence within FM.

Three pillars form the foundation of FM's innovative customer strategy: Education, Communication, and Processes. These pillars are designed to foster a culture of customer service excellence and empower every member of the FM team to be an effective agent of customer service.

Education: Empowering Our Team

In the pursuit of top-tier customer service, we recognize that knowledge is power. The Education pillar is all about nurturing and elevating the skills and expertise of our staff and customers. By investing in comprehensive training programs, we aim to equip our team members with the tools and knowledge they need to provide exceptional service. Through continuous learning and development, we ensure that every FM team member is not just skilled but also passionate about delivering outstanding service. 

Communication: Setting Standards for Excellence

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. To deliver unparalleled service, we must set expectations, establish communication protocols, and ensure transparency in all interactions with our campus community. By doing so, we enhance the customer experience, foster trust, and create a stronger bond between FM and our customers. Our commitment to open and honest communication ensures that we are always on the same page with our valued clients.

Process/Operational: Maximizing Service Opportunities

Efficiency and effectiveness are top priorities when it comes to customer service. The Process/Operational pillar focuses on updating FM's processes and operational activities to maximize customer service opportunities. Our operating procedures and guidance documents will provide clarity on expectations and priorities for every member of the FM team. By streamlining operations and aligning them with customer-centric objectives, we not only improve our service but also enhance our unity as a team to function as “one FM.” When every member of the FM family understands their role in delivering exceptional service, we can collectively work toward our goal of creating a customer-focused culture.

The new customer service strategy will be implemented in phases over the next five years. This ambitious plan marks a pivotal shift in our approach, emphasizing the importance and urgency of exceptional service for every member of the FM team regardless of role. 

To learn more about FM’s Customer Service Strategy including progress on implementation, please visit our website: Customer Service Strategy | Facilities Management (


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