FM responsibilities for removal of posted materials
From: Kristy Long, Bob Pils
To: All-FM
Subject: FM responsibilities for removal of posted materials
Greetings Team FM,
Our campus is a place where diverse opinions come together, encouraging important discussions that help shape informed and engaged citizens. As staff, it is our responsibility to support the university community as a constructive and peaceful forum for civic engagement. As we approach the potentially highly-charged elections of November 2024, it is critical that everyone at UMD promotes a culture of respectful discussion and meaningful engagement.
In the winter, a campus chalking policy was developed and approved by The University Senate. FM will continue to monitor and remove chalking every Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the mornings in two designated locations: Hornbake Plaza and the sidewalk outside Stamp Student Union’s southeast entrance. Beginning today, FM will support a new draft policy that outlines guidance for posted materials.
Facilities Management staff, including Area Maintenance, Housekeeping, Landscape Services, and Shops, should consider this a shared responsibility in which we all play a role. Beginning today, removal of posted materials will be considered part of your zone work. In addition:
- FM’s Student Facility Observer positions will support your work and report posted materials through the submission of work tickets.
- When outdoors, please monitor light posts, poles, road signs, parking lot signs and any other surfaces to which postings can be affixed and take steps to safely remove the posting.
- Should the removal of printed materials cause damage or leave residue behind, please submit a work ticket to the appropriate shop.
- If you find something posted that cannot be removed, such as graffiti, please contact your supervisor for next steps.
- If you come across postings that support wayfinding/directional information or safety in buildings, please submit a work ticket to the Sign Shop.
For any postings that may be considered hate speech, please contact UMPD at 5-3333.
Excerpts from the draft posting policy include:
D. Posting of materials is prohibited on certain surfaces and in certain locations, including, but not limited to, interior and exterior walls, doors, elevators, in restrooms, glass surfaces, sidewalks, pillars, trees, utility poles, fences, stairs, trash and recycling receptacles, lampposts, bluelight phones, university vehicles, traffic signs, the McKeldin Mall sundial, fountains, Testudo statues, and/or art installations. The University and individual University facilities and buildings may identify additional surfaces and locations on which the posting of materials is prohibited.
E. Affixing stickers or any materials designed to be permanent or semi-permanent on any surfaces within the University’s purview is prohibited.
K. Postings may be made on public area bulletin boards pursuant to the requirements in this Policy. Due to limited space, postings are limited to no more than two announcements at any one time per public area bulletin board. Posting size should be no larger than 14x22 inches.
L. Postings must be attached to public area bulletin boards using non-damaging materials only. Use of tape, nails, staples, metal fasteners, or other forms of adhesives is prohibited.
M. Public bulletin boards are typically cleared on the first Monday of every month. Bulletin boards may be cleared more frequently, as needed, at the discretion of the location’s building manager or departmental designee.
N. The use of lawn signs is limited. Lawn signs must identify the sponsoring department or student organization and must be removed promptly after each event by the sponsoring organization. The university and its agents reserve the right to remove lawn signs or similar materials in situations that present obstructions to egress and ingress or that prevent grounds crews from maintaining the campus’s facilities. Lawn signs located adjacent to the university’s residence halls are prohibited unless approved, in advance, by the Department of Resident Life.
Please let us know if you have any questions about your specific responsibilities.
All FM staff have a role to play: if you see something, do something or say something.
Kind regards,
Kristy Long
Executive Director, Operations, Maintenance & Utilities
Facilities Management
University of Maryland
Bob Pils
Executive Director, Building & Landscape Maintenance
Facilities Management
University of Maryland