Seeking New Members: FM’s Maryland Day Committee Needs You!
From: Karen Petroff
To: All-FM
Subject: Seeking New Members: FM’s Maryland Day Committee Needs You!
Good Morning,
It may feel like winter outside, but spring is right around the corner and Maryland Day will be here before we know it. Planning for this special university-wide event will begin soon and you are invited to participate as a member of FM’s Maryland Day Committee.
The time commitment is minimal. Committee members meet several times before the event (usually 4 meetings) to help plan FM’s tent activities. Committee members may also work as tent volunteers on the day of the event, though this is not required. A separate call for tent volunteers will be sent at a later date.
Maryland Day is a fun and exciting event that allows us to showcase FM to the public and provides a chance to socialize with members of the campus and local communities. Please contact Karen Petroff at if you are interested in serving on the Maryland Day Committee, or if you have questions.