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Pillar 3: Process/Operational

The process pillar will focus on updating FM processes and operational activities to ensure that we are maximizing customer service opportunities. These operating procedures and guidance documents will ensure all FM staff understand expectations and priorities for our department.

Activities In Progress/Completed

Activities to Implement

Launch AssetWorks
● Through its implementation, staff will revise and improve work processes and SOPs with attention to enterprise-wide and customer service best practices

Increase staffing (or examine manager/front line staff balance) in needed areas to deliver FM commitments to campus

Hire and expand Facility Manager role
● Facility Managers provide a zone/building- based FM key point of contact for all facility-related issues

Share HR policy regarding promotions to ensure our hiring practices are transparent

Adopt Project Fee (10%) Initiative
● Beginning in Spring 2023, a 10% maximum project fee will be implemented on all projects less than $1M

Review zone structure and work towards a model that supports customers and timely resolution of concerns/request

Implement recommendations from small project delivery study
● Recommendations will be implemented that enhance customer service and allow small projects to be executed in a timely fashion
● Move Renovation Services to Planning and Construction
● Create in-house projects unit to do very small projects requiring agility and timeliness

Rewrite PRDs to include customer service goals and expectations for every staff

Develop and launch Wheels Off Walkways (WOW) Standard Operating Procedure
● This includes establishing approved walkway activities, developing walkway signage, implementing a communications plan and establishing expectations and metrics

Rewrite all job descriptions to include customer service expectations for every position

Write Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for all FM services:
● Clearly delineated services (basic and optional)
● Description of services
● Service costs and time-to-complete estimates
● Service provider responsibilities
● Pathway for escalation of issues
● Customers with appropriate contact

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