FM Space Protocols
Updated: 02/01/24
1. Definition of Work Space for:
a. Students. Student volunteers (interns) or employees will be provided with shared space in open office areas, per UMD Space Standards. Typically, 2 - 4 students will share one workspace (defined as a cubicle or hoteling area) as available, based on hours of work and workspace needs. Students shall not be provided with offices. Students may also be able to conduct work, temporarily, using shared resources such as lunch rooms, huddle rooms, meeting rooms, etc., pending availability.
Students are defined as graduate or undergraduate students who volunteer or are employed by any FM staff and contribute 0 - 20 hours per week during the academic year (excluding summer when they may contribute additional hours). Typically undergraduates can contribute up to 10 hours per week. Graduate students and GAs can contribute up to 20 hours per week.
b. Contract staff. Contract staff are defined as C1, C2, or affiliate staff. Contract staff will be provided with a workspace that is commensurate with their negotiated hours of work and workspace needs. C1 staff working 20 hours per week or less will be provided with shared space in open office areas, per UMD Space Standards. Two part-time C1s may share one workspace (defined as a cubicle or hoteling area) as available, based on hours of work and workspace needs. Contract staff that are working full-time (defined as 35 hours per week or more) will be provided with individual space in open office areas (defined as a cubicle or hoteling area) as available, based on hours of work and workspace needs.
2. Hoteling for Telework employees 3 days/week or more. If employees are eligible for and are able to telework, or they have a position that places them regularly away from their workplace (OSCRs, field technicians, service personnel, teleworking employees, off-campus/remote employees), more than three days per week, these employees will not be assigned permanent workspace. Rather, employees will be provided shared space in open office areas (defined as a cubicle or hoteling area) as available, based on hours of work and workspace needs. These teleworking/remote employees shall not be provided with offices. Employees may also be able to conduct work, temporarily, using shared resources such as lunch rooms, huddle rooms, meeting rooms, etc., pending availability.
3. FM Workspace. All spaces (office, shops, storage, mail, meeting rooms, lunchrooms, etc.) under the purview of Facilities Management will be considered FM space and do not belong to the currently occupying unit or team. FM Space Planning will utilize all available FM space, as needed, to ensure operational efficiency and organizational needs. Shared spaces such as conference rooms, huddle rooms, meeting/training rooms, lunch rooms, and other work areas are considered shared spaces for all FM. They do not belong to the unit most closely associated with or proximate to those shared spaces.
4. Office Space Eligibility. To be eligible for an office (enclosed space with a door), FM staff must:
○ Officially supervise 2 or more full-time staff members (supervising students does not qualify) and/or
○ Be in a senior leadership position and/or
○ Hold a position that may, for security reasons, require the privacy of an office (such as access to a safe)
5. All Keys on Master. All workspaces (office, shops, storage, mail, meeting rooms, lunchrooms, etc.) under the purview of Facilities Management will be keyed on Master. To ensure emergency and maintenance access, all FM spaces will be updated to ensure compliance with this unless special circumstances exist and only at the purview of the Associate Vice President.
6. Leadership Suite Occupancy. The leadership suite shall be the workspace of the following positions only:
○ The Associate Vice President & Chief Administrative Officer and AVP unit
○ Executive Directors of B&LM, OM&U, FBO, and P&C
○ Directors of B&LM, OM&U, FBO, and P&C
○ 1 Administrative support staff for the AVP’s office and each FM business unit
Space allocation per function should follow UMD Space Standards. UMD space standards illustrate a maximum value for each function.
7. Shared Space as Office Space. Shared spaces such as conference rooms, huddle rooms, meeting/training rooms, lunch rooms and other work areas are considered shared spaces for all FM and are for the benefit of all FM staff, affiliates, visitors and contractors. These spaces may not be used as individual or shared office space, either short or long-term, without consultation with Facility Planning and/or the AVP’s office.