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FM Staff News

FM Staff Articles
  • October 05, 2023

    Ghosts of the Terps: Uncovering the Haunted History of UMD

    If the Halloween season turns your thoughts to mysteries of the macabre and supernatural, we invite you to enjoy the lore of ghostly secrets that linger within the very walls of the UMD campus. Founded in 1856, the University of Maryland boasts a history steeped in eerie tales involving campus buildings. FM’s GIS department has created a map of haunted sites on the main campus. Take the tour if you dare!

  • October 04, 2023

    FM’s New Customer Service Strategy: Creating a Culture of Excellence

    In today's higher ed business landscape, exceptional customer service is no longer an option; it's a necessity. With Facilities Management’s customer base of 50,000 students, faculty, and staff on a campus that operates 24/7, having an effective customer service strategy is essential. 

  • October 03, 2023

    Park Smart! Wheels Off Walkways Relaunch

    The Wheels Off Walkways (WOW) program officially relaunched on Monday, August 21 just in time for the start of the fall semester.

  • October 03, 2023

    FM Housekeepers Honored at President’s Luncheon

    On September 21, a group of FM housekeepers attended a special luncheon celebration at University House, the home of President Pines. The purpose of the celebration was to honor housekeeping staff who were nominated for the Cintas Custodian of the Year Award. FM had 18 nominees who were recognized for their outstanding performance, alongside housekeepers from Residential Facilities. President Pines, VP Carlo Colella, and Bob Reuning were among the guests in attendance to applaud these hardworking FM staff members. Congratulations to all! 

  • September 18, 2023

    New Construction Greets Returning Students

    FM's Planning and Construction team is busy this fall with projects across campus. Here are nine projects that were highlighted recently by Maryland Today.

  • August 17, 2023

    FM Lands Grant to Complete Campus Creek Environmental Restoration

    The Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund has awarded $1,752,134 to the University of Maryland to complete the restoration of Campus Creek and renewal of the Animal Sciences Pond. Congratulations go to FM’s Christopher Ho, a Civil Engineer with Planning & Construction, who filed two rounds of applications before the grant was secured. In 2019, Phase I of the creek restoration, restored 3,000 feet of the stream. With this grant, FM will finish the job. 

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