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FM Uniform Policy

1.6 Policy on Uniforms
(Approved by the Associate Vice President on June 14, 2005)
Uniforms are furnished to many Facilities Management (FM) employees for reasons such as
departmental identification and security. This policy establishes FM's Unifo1m Wear and
Distribution guidelines. It consolidates and supercedes Department of Physical Plant Policy CC:
Uniform Wear and Policy DD: Uniform Distribution, which were adopted in 1995. New
employees will sign a statement indicating understanding and willingness lo conform to this
policy; current employees subject to wearing uniforms will be provided a copy.
The FM Uniform Program is currently being managed by the Logistics unit. At present. uniforms
should be ordered and issued through the Logistics Management System (LMS) to provide
accountability. However, the University retains all rights to unilaterally change its method and mode of
managing this program at any time. Non-routine correspondence regarding uniforms should be copied
to the Manager. Logistics. Management retains the sole authority co select suppliers, and all
characteristics of the uniform item (such as style, appearance, color, fabric content, etc.); suppliers may
be changed without notice.
No portion of this policy supercedes the provisions of Article 17 (Uniforms and Equipment), Section I,
"Uniformed Job Classifications" and Section 4, "Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment" of the
2004 Memorandum of Understanding for Nonexempt Employees for those employees in that bargaining
unit nor Article I 7 (Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment). Section I, "Personal Protective
Clothing and Equipment" of the 2004 Memorandum of Understanding for Exempt Employees for those
employees in that bargaining unit. Except as specifically noted, issuance and/or replacement of apparel
items as '·personal protective clothing and equipment" is not intended to be covered by the general
issuance and replacement provisions of this policy.
Facilities Management retains the right to make changes to any portion of this policy in the future
recognizing any obligations it may have under the provisions of any applicable collective bargaining

I. Who May Be Issued Uniforms
At this time, all uniformed FM employees in the following operating areas (except clerical,
administrative and management staff as described below s hall receive unifom1 items no later than the
point when the employee has passed probation:
• Fleet Services
• Landscape Services
• Area Maintenance (including Carpentry. Painters, Floor Shop and Sheet Metal)
• Construction (Maintenance tradespersons only)
• Housekeeping Services
• Special Services
• Facilities Maintenance (including Electric Shop, Piped Services and Classroom Maintenance)
• Logistics
• Meter Shop
The uniform items to be issued are described in Section lll below. Facilities Management will at all
times remain the sole detem1iner which, if any, positions are required to wear uniform clothing items,
whether additional job classifications (including in other work units) will be required to wear uniforms
in the future or whether the requirement will be discontinued for any or all positions. Facilities
Management at all times remains the sole determiner as to which items of clothing constitute "the
uniform" and the specifications of the pieces of the uniform. (Outc1wear described in Section IILC.
Management may exempt any employee from wearing "the uniform." I however, exemptions are
intended to deal only with specific situations (such as the need for the accommodation of religious tenets
or where an appropriate size/fit uniform cannot be obtained). In such cases, the employee will be
specifically advised that s/he is exempted from the requirement but will be required to wear appropriate
identification at all times as described in Section IIA below. Where an exemption may be required or
otherwise appropriate, supervisors arc lo obtain approval pursuant lo Section 11 B below; supervisors arc
not to grant exemptions without such concurrence.

II. Wearing the Uniform
All employees issued uniforms are required to wear them when perfom1ing their University
duties. Unless specifically authorized as described in Section ll. B. below. no substitute items are
permitted once an employee has been issued uniform items. The uniform logo (or a valid
University identification badge displayed to identify the employee) must be clearly visible at all
times, regardless of whether duties a re perfom1ed inside or outs ide of Universi ty buildings.
Identification badges are to be worn "face out" (attached to a breast pocket) or around the
employee's neck so that his/her face (and name) can be viewed simultaneously with the
identification badge.

A. Any deviations from this policy, including ordering additional uniforms (excluding
replacements for damage - sec Section V), must be approved by the FM Associate Vice
President and Depa1tment Director. If a request is made on the basis of a medical issue,
it shall be the employee's responsibility to request a medical waiver through the
supervisor if unable lo comply with this policy because of medical reasons and supply
supporting medical documentation. Requests because of religious issues should be
discussed with FM Human Resources to detem1ine what, if any. documentation is

B. Employees issued uniforms are expected to wear them in a presentable and
professional manner on the job. Employees are expected to clean and maintain their
uniforms at their own expense. No alterations or additions to this attire (such as patches
or insignias) may be made without prior management approval.

C. The uniform shall not be worn off the job except while commuting to or from the
workplace. It is a violation of this policy to wear the uniform while in private employ
elsewhere, or when self-employed doing "side jobs."

D. Management may specify occasions when certain items must or may not be worn.
For example, T-shirts (if selected) are not to be worn on special event days such as
Commencement without the prior approval of management. Conversely, in certain
instances, event-related staff may be provided with UM-issued event attire (e.g. Maryland
Day shirts). In such cases, employees may be required to substitute the event-related
item for a uniform item by Management. However, requiring event-related attire by
individuals not normally designated for uniforms will not obligate Management to
provide uniforms for basic duties under Article 17. Section 4 of the 2004 Nonexempt
Memorandum of Understanding. An employee who transfers from FM, or who separates
from the University, will be required to tum in all uniform items. All uniform items
remain the property of the University at all times.

E. Failure to properly wear issued uniform item(s) (unless a specific exemption has
been approved as described in Section 11.B. above) or to wear the uniform contrary to the
provisions of this policy (including while working "side jobs") is considered a
disciplinary offense and may subject the employee to administrative and/or disciplinary
action up to and including discharge.

III. General Guidelines
A. Eligible employees are issued five long or sho1t-slecved uniforn1 shirts and five pairs
of pant upon the completion of probation. Employees may be issued a portion of their
uniform allotment prior to the completion of probation, at management's option.
Uniform items are not to be modified by appliques, insignias or otherwise modified,
except to tailor for fit (such as hemming pants which extend on to the ground).

B. Al the request of the employee, the University shall normally replace up to a
maximum of three replacement items (shirts, pants or a combination thereof) annually
provided replacement is not necessitated by gross negligence or malicious intent. In
individual cases, an employee's duties have resulted in significant wear that might
necessitate the replacement of more than three items in a year so the employee may
maintain his/her five basic sets, the employee shall present those items to management
for replacement consideration. In the event that management agrees to replace the items
presented, management shall then follow the provisions of Section V.B. below regarding
the "Procedure for Ordering Replacement Uniforms."

C. In addition, all Landscape Services unit employees (including Recycling, Solid Waste
and Pest Control) will also receive either insulated coveralls or an outerwear jacket once
every two years, if the employee so elects. Operating and Maintenance shops (Area
Maintenance, Facilities Maintenance, HY AC and covered Construction employees) and
Special Serv ices employees will be provided a piece of outerwear upon passing
probation. For other than Landscape Services unit employees. outerwear will be replaced
when it is in poor condition due to normal wear and tear upon return of the previously
issued outerwear item.

D. Employees are required by the UM Electrical Safety Policy and OSHA regulations
(see Appendix A) to wear clothing that contains no synthetic fibers. The uniform shirt/tshirt
are acceptable. Additional items, such as pants, coveralls, etc., are considered
personal protective equipment, not uniforms. This equipment is issued according to the
UM Policy on Personal Protective Equipment Program VI- 19.00 (A), and within existing
FM guidelines concerning tools and safe ty equipment.

E. Employee footwear (other than safety shoes issued pursuant ro Article 17, Section 4
of the 2004 Nonexempt Memorandum of Understanding) must be appropriate for safe
performance of the employee's duties, e.g., no open-toed footwear, non-skid soles. These
items a re not provided by the University and are at employee expense.

F. For those employees covered under the 2004 Nonexempt Memorandum of
Understanding, for the tcm1 of that Agreement, those employees whose duties require the
wea1ing of safety shoes, as determined by the University and pursuant to applicable
safety code, the University shall provide safety shoes as needed.

IV. Procedure for Ordering Replacement Uniforms during the Routine Cycle
The following constitutes the current procedure for the ordering and replacement of uniforms during the "routine cycle." These procedures may be changed at any time in the sole discretion of management:

A. Each year, the Manager, Logistics will notify s hop supervisors of the upcoming
replacement uniform order. The shop supervisor will review the order information with
each employee and place order through the LMS. Employees may request a measuring
session through their supervisor, who will schedule with Logistics.

B. Uni forms will be issued using the LMS and signed for by a supervisor or designated employee. Supervisors will distribute uniforms and employees must sign to verify receipt.

C. Once uniforms have been issued, employees have five working days to try them on
and, if unsatisfactory, must notify their supervisor so items may be returned to Logistics for exchange. Once they have been washed or worn, uniforms may not be exchanged.
Supervisors must contact the Uniform Coordinator before sending employees to the
warehouse for uniform orders or exchanges, or order using the LMS. Employees arriving
without an appointment may be turned away.

V. Procedure for Ordering Replacement Uniforms
The following constancy the current procedure for the ordering and replacement of uniforms
during the other than the "routine cycle." These procedures may be changed at any time in the
sole discretion of management:

A. All requests for replacement uniforms must be approved by the Department Director.

B. Damaged articles may be replaced at the discretion of the Manager, Logistics.
Appeals should be directed to the appropriate Department Director. Replacements will
be issued through the LMS to allow tracking and verification of replacement.

C. In cases where an employee has altered (other than for tailoring for fit) or damaged an
article or has been careless or negligent in the loss or destruction of his/her unifom1s. the
cost of replacement uniforms may be charged to the employee, at the discretion of the
Manager, Logistics (as approved by the Department Director). As with all university
property, in cases of gross negligence or deliberate destruction of departmental property
may result in additional administrative and/or disciplinary action.

VI. Ordering Uniforms at the Employee's Expense

A. Employees who are not issued uniforms, and those who wish to order additional
uniforms, may purchase them through Logistics at their own expense. The above rules
for wearing uniforms apply.
(Signature on original)
J. Frank Brewer
Associate Vice President/Facilities Management
Effective Date: June 14, 2005

Notwithstanding the prov1s1ons outlined under Article 17 "Uniforms and Equipment;" Section I
" Uniformed Job Classifications" of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the University
of Maryland, College Park and AFSCME und related campus/departmental policies, Facilities
Management agrees to provide all bargaining unit employees whose position requires them to wear a
uniform, five (5) uniform T-shirts annually; excluding those employees who already receive T-shirts as
a result of other MOU provisions i.e. Article 17. Section 4. This provision takes effect May I. 2017.
Bargaining unit employees covered under this agreement shall receive their annual T-shirt issue no later
than May 1st of each calendar year. T-shirts shall only be worn during the period May l through
September 30, as an outer-garment. Employees hired after the annual issue has been distributed will not
receive T-shirts until the next annual distribution cycle.
Employees covered under Article 17. Section 4 "Personal Protective Equipment" of the MOU will still
be expected to follow all established Personal Protective Equipment provisions. policies and protocols.
Employees will be required to wear these items in accordance with current departmental expectations
e.g. maintain neat and professional appearance. etc.
As acknowledged by their signatures below, this document constitutes the full understanding of the
terms of this agreement by the respective parties.

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