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FM Vehicle Policy

I.3 Vehicle Policy

(Revised, approved by the Associate Vice President April 2, 2008)

This policy establishes guidelines for using state, personal and FM pool vehicles when carrying
out FM job duties. It is intended to conform to all applicable UM/UMS policies, procedures and
guidelines, including those specifically related to vehicles, referenced at the end of this

Failure to abide by any provision of this policy will result in administrative sanctions up to
and including removal from University service.

I. Types of Vehicle Usage in FM

A. Daily transportation of employees, tools and materials to job sites on campus, usually in
state vehicles assigned to shops/units.

B. Regular/occasional transportation of employees/materials on campus beyond walking
distance, using personal vehicles and, when approved, FM pool vehicles.

C. Transportation of employees to job sites more than 50 miles (round trip) from campus,
using FM pool vehicles and personal vehicles when appropriate.

D. Transportation of employees to meetings and other events off-campus, using FM pool
vehicles and personal vehicles when appropriate.

II. General Transportation Guidelines

A. Traffic on campus is often congested and parking is limited. Walking is usually faster,
healthier and less expensive. You are encouraged to walk.

B. When going to a distant location on campus, your personal vehicle is usually the best
method of transportation. You may claim mileage reimbursement (section V).

C. To enable you to park in congested areas of campus, several administrative permits are
assigned to each department (section V).

D. For authorized business more than 50 miles round trip off-campus, state vehicles may
be used if available (section V).

III. General Driving Rules

A. Employees who operate state-owned vehicles must comply with all applicable federal,
state and local driving laws, policies and regulations. Fines are the personal
responsibility of the driver. Seatbelts must be worn at all times by all vehicle

B. State vehicles may be used only to accomplish authorized State business.

C. Driver must be authorized University employee, must be at least 18 years old, and mustpossess a driver’s license valid in the State of Maryland, with fewer than 6 points for
moving violations. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring drivers are qualified and
prepared to drive safely.

D. Students may drive state vehicles only if part of their regular job duties, upon
presentation of written proof of the above.

E. Driver is responsible for taking every precaution to ensure the safety of vehicle, its
contents and passengers. Passengers must be authorized adults. It is the driver’s
responsibility to ensure that passengers behave appropriately (including wearing
seatbelts). Smoking is not permitted in vehicles.

F. FM employees in state vehicles represent the State and UMCP; therefore, they are
responsible for conducting themselves professionally at all times. FM vehicles must be
used safely at all times.

G. The only signs/decoration permitted on state vehicles are those supporting the
University or encouraging safe driving.

IV. Monthly Vehicle Inspection Program for FM vehicles

A. Vehicle inspections are to be performed monthly by the main driver of the vehicle or
other person designated by the supervisor. If a work order is needed, put time on the
“shop ticket”. Driver performs inspection and forwards completed checklist to

B. Supervisor checks that information is complete and correct, signs approval and forwards
checklist to Manager, Fleet Services.

C. Deadline is the 5th of the month (or the first workday after the 5th).

D. Fleet determines what maintenance and repairs need to be done, and ensures they are
performed in a timely manner.

V. Using your Personal Vehicle when on FM business

A. If your duties take you beyond walking distance, you may claim reimbursement for
using a personal vehicle.

B. Use must be documented on standard reimbursement forms; contact FM Human
Resources for more information. Your commute is not reimbursable.

C. Rules for Private Mileage Reimbursement (from USM policy): “The State is not
required to provide a State vehicle to employees who refuse to use their own vehicles to
perform their assigned duties…Authorized persons required to use a privately owned
motor vehicle for official University business will be reimbursed in accordance with the
current officially approved rate... Should an employee prefer to use a privately owned
vehicle when an Institutional vehicle is available, and the trip exceeds 50 miles, the
employee will be reimbursed at one-half the rate allowed for the use of privately owned
vehicles.” Full text at POV Mileage Reimbursement Policy | Travelers' Guide | University Travel Policies | Travel Policy | Travel Services | PBS | University of Maryland (

D. When parking your personal vehicle, make sure your pass enables you to park there. You
will not be reimbursed for parking fines.

E. Administrative Permits
1. Permits are assigned to departments and issued to employees for temporary use on
campus. The permit is hung behind your regular permit.
2. The permit allows you to park in any lot, but not at: meters; service or courier
spaces: in fire lanes; in designated handicapped spaces; or in any space not
designated for parking. A list of exclusions is on the permit. Employees are
responsible for the security of the permit while in their possession.

VI. FM Vehicle Pool

A. In addition to vehicles assigned to shops/units, a small vehicle pool is available for use
by FM staff when approved. Vehicles may be signed in/out at Work Control.

B. Vehicles must be signed in and out in writing for a specific time period. Campus use is
typically limited to 4 hours.

VII. Parking

A. On campus, state vehicles should be parked in designated “Service Vehicles” spaces. If
there are no spaces available, state vehicles may be parked in any lot, but not at meters
or in fire lanes or handicapped spaces. Only if absolutely necessary, state vehicles
may be parked temporarily on the edge of a sidewalk or grassy area, and must be moved
as soon as possible. Under no circumstance may vehicles be parked in such a way that
they block handicapped access or curb cuts, or prevent passage along sidewalks.

B. In the Service Compound, state vehicles should be parked only in their assigned
numbered spaces. Using these spaces makes vehicles easy to find when needed, and
increases space available for staff parking in the lots.

VIII. In the Event of an Accident

A. State regulations require a police report for all accidents involving state vehicles. First,
move the vehicle(s) to a safe area out of traffic. Then, if the accident occurs on campus,
notify UMCP Police at #5-3555. If off campus, notify the Maryland State Police.

B. Before leaving the accident scene or as soon as possible thereafter, the FM driver must
complete the forms in the on-board accident kit, and give to Fleet Services within one
business day. Other paperwork may be required.

C. If vehicle is not drivable, or driver is unsure, notify FM Fleet Services, #5-7071 or #5-

D. Accident-related damage resulting from misuse, negligence or driver error is the
employee’s responsibility.
Reference Documents:

Signature on original____________________________________________________________
J. Frank Brewer Date
Associate Vice President, Facilities Management
Effective Date: April 2, 2008

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