January 2024, Stephanie Matthews Miller

Meet Stephanie Matthews Miller, Assistant Manager, FM Human Resources
1. How long have you been with FM? I am approaching 19 years in FM (I have been with FM since April 2005)
2. What do you enjoy most about your work? I enjoy assisting FM with HR-related needs, especially with employment, compensation, and classification tasks.
3. Where are you originally from? Born and raised in PG County, MD
4. What do you like to do when you are away from work? I love to read - James Patterson is my favorite author. Every Christmas, my family gifts me several books from James Patterson.
5. What would most surprise people about you? That I have a 26-year-old or that I have been at the University for 21 years.
6. What is your favorite food? Seafood (Crab cakes, crab dip, scallops, and crab legs)
7. Do you have a favorite movie? Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner is my all-time favorite movie!
8. What have you read that you really enjoyed? I am reading Obsession – a Michael Bennet Novel by James Patterson
9. If you weren’t in this profession, what profession would you choose? A registered nurse
8. Which of FM’s values do you feel most connected to? II feel most connected to FM’s values of inclusion, service excellence, and collaboration – all of these are vital to the successes of FM, and in HR, we strive to provide an inclusive environment, provide supreme customer service, and collaborate in and out of HR as it helps with productivity and creativity.