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May 2024, Steve Ramirez

Steve Ramirez

Steve Ramirez, Assistant Director, Renovation Services, P&C

  1. How long have you been with FM? Started on January 29, 2024.
  2. What do you enjoy most about your work?  The people! I joined a great team, and everyone has been so welcoming. I also enjoy the fact that everyone cares about what they do, and they want to do the best for the University.
  3. Where are you from? I moved from Austin, TX but originally from San Diego, CA (born and raised).
  4. What do you like to do when you are away from work? I love going to the movies. Something about a good movie - whatever genre - and a great movie theater to transport you somewhere else for a couple of hours is a cool thing. I am admittedly a comic movie nerd so anything Marvel or DC, you’ll find me at the theater watching it.
  5. What would most surprise people about you? The most surprising thing about me is that I was born without an ear! Due to a gestational defect, my right ear didn’t fully develop. By the time I was 10 years old I had undergone four reconstructive surgeries to create an ear out of one of my ribs (I’m sure there’s a joke somewhere in there 😊). For the most part, I can hear fairly well since my left ear has been compensating for the right since I was a kid. But, if I ever seem like I’m ignoring you, I’m not. I probably just didn’t hear what you said.
  6. Which of FM’s values do you feel most connected to, and why? Inclusion. Having different perspectives, opinions, cultures, and backgrounds is where all the magic happens. Respecting it and fostering it will make any team successful.
  7. What is your favorite food? Lasagna, nothing more amazing than my grandma’s lasagna! But even better is Puerto Rican lasagna, Pastelón. If you haven’t heard of it, look it up. It will change your life!
  8. What is your favorite movie? (Or one you’ve seen recently that you loved) So many to pick just one, but anything by Christopher Nolan. Interstellar, Tenant, Inception, the Batman trilogy!
  9. What are you reading now (or the last thing you read that you really enjoyed)? The Omega Factor by Steve Berry. I just started it but so far so good.
  10. If you weren’t in this profession, what profession would you choose? I would be a brewmaster and own a brewery!! I’m also a beer nerd!
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