May 2024, Catherine Roach

Catherine Roach, Facilities Manager, OM&U
- How long have you been with FM? I started with Design Services in 2007 as a part-time Planner (interior designer) working with Zoe Kyriacos, followed by a few years with the UMD Libraries and then back with FM OMU since the Fall of 2022.
- What do you enjoy most about your work? In my professional Architecture/Engineering/Interiors career, I’ve enjoyed getting to know my customers’ business and meeting people from their organizations. I’ve come to appreciate everyone’s perspective, knowledge, and interest in their work or mission. Working with federal government agencies to modernize historic facilities allowed me to learn more about our country’s history and role in preserving our liberties. My favorite planning project involved revising existing public K-12 educational specifications in support of additional course offerings, technology, and sharing space with the local community.
- Where are you from? I grew up fifteen minutes from campus in Silver Spring, Maryland; attending UMCP for both undergraduate and graduate pursuits. I currently live on Kent Island, east of Annapolis, across the Chesapeake Bay bridge.
- What do you like to do when you are away from work? Relax. Spending time outside with my flower gardens is good for my mind and body; allowing me to relax. There is something quite gratifying about getting my hands dirty, being creative, and seeing what happens.
- What would most surprise people about you? I have four children with my blended family whose names each begin with the letter “M” and for the most part staggered 2-3 years apart. We enjoy sharing this tidbit of information as a “meant to be” happenstance. As of last year, our four children live in four different states, giving us excellent travel opportunities in Florida, Pennsylvania, Colorado, and Maryland.
- Which of FM’s values do you feel most connected to, and why? Collaboration. Without collaboration across FM Divisions, Campus Entities, Staff, and Customer Associates; our ability to provide better services and improvements would be much more difficult. Gathering widespread knowledge and experience definitely accentuates the power of collaboration.
- What is your favorite food? Breakfast main course and sweets.
- What is your favorite movie? (Or one you’ve seen recently that you loved) Unfortunately, there are too many to list. I enjoy movies whose main character’s strong convictions allow them to pursue their mission and/or passion without being persuaded by evil or another entity. Perseverance, Persistence, Principles, and Patience guide them.
- What are you reading now (or the last thing you read that you really enjoyed)? Living a Chocolate Life by Deb Burma
- What are your favorite and least favorite words? Favorite – “You’re Welcome,” and Least Favorite – “Impossible”
- If you weren’t in this profession, what profession would you choose? I look back on professions that have the ability to inspire young people to be a better version of themselves. I think I could accomplish this as an athletic coach; possibly at the high school and recreational level; encompassing body, mindfulness, and decency training. My daughters were blessed with noticing the differences between coaches’ passion and/or styles which have influenced them to this day.
- Share a hidden talent or hobby that your coworkers may not know about. I’m not sure if it is a hidden talent, but I like to challenge car-driving apps. I grew up with an ability to remember where I’ve been easily and didn’t need maps; but I do miss the printed maps and atlas books, too. Who remembers Rand McNally Maps?
- If you could have a mentor, who would it be, and what advice would you seek from them? I would list people who seem to be truly happy with their life; asking them to share how they achieved satisfaction, and what process/influence or major event in their life guided them. From a spiritual perspective, we know what is important, but how do confidence, self-control, and conviction play a role mentally?